Thursday, May 24, 2018

Our Daily Routine.

I thought it would be fun to change things up a bit and give y’all a look into our daily lives. At this point I am a full-time college student. I’m working hard to stay on track and hopefully I’ll be finishing up my second-degree next year. I just completed my associates degree and my second degree will be a BA in English. My end goal is to someday get a master’s in library science so that I can be a Librarian. I’m very passionate about books and reading; I couldn’t imagine spending my days any other way. So, without further ado, here is a typical day in the Stryker house.

5:00-5:15am our day starts. The alarm usually starts going off incessantly until I get up and start flipping on the lights and waking Ben up. Between whenever we roll out of bed and about 5:45-6:00am when he leaves, he gets up, puts on his pts, shaves, and finds all the items he needs. I'll take my meds, make sure one of the cars is started for him (hello, Alaska winter), and most likely follow him around finding the items he says he can't find!

There is usually about an hour and a half to two hours between him leaving to work out and coming home to shower and eat breakfast. I take this time to go back to sleep since I can't eat or drink for an hour after taking my thyroid meds. Once he walks in the door, around 8am, he starts his coffee and heads for the shower. While he showers I’ll throw some form of breakfast together for him. Breakfast is usually a wide range of who knows what. Sometimes it's a fancy omelet and some fruit and some days it's a pop tart. It just depends on how our morning is going!

Once Ben leaves for work at around 8:45-9am I'll get dressed and check my email, Facebook, and online classroom. I have about 2.5 hours to focus on the housework. You know, laundry, dishes, mopping, vacuuming, dusting.... The whole shabang. Once he comes home for lunch at around 11:30-noonish we'll sit down and eat together. We talk about our mornings, what we hope to accomplish for the day, and decide what we're having for supper. At around 12:35pm-ish he'll head out the door for work and I'll go run any errands that need to be done. This includes stuff like pay bills, run to the store, or whatever else.

He USUALLY works until like 5pm-ish. I will admit there are days when he doesn't come home until 6pm-8pm. There are also the rare unicorns! The days in which he is home before 5pm. Those days are mythical, so we don't mention those. Between the hours of 1pm and 5pm I have 4 long hours where I can work on my assignments uninterrupted. Added over 5 days that's 20 hours I have to focus on schoolwork. But have no fear, I don't sit in front of a computer screen for 4 straight hours! I like to get up, get a workout in, play with the cat, and sometimes read if my workload for the week seems light.

Once the hubby gets home from work, we talk while I cook dinner. Then he either heads off to his office to relax or we'll watch a movie together. We like to use evenings to unwind from our day. We talk about the frustrations that occurred during the day and our goals for the next day. I'll make sure his uniforms are clean and get my shower in for the day. It's a good system and it works for us!

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Catoctin Iron Furnace

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