Saturday, July 25, 2015

Moving: Part Two

We dream of the day when we will have a house again...and all of our stuff...and our car. Moving from one country to another is stressful but what adds more stress to that is all the errands we have to run...without a car.

Four weeks ago we had the pre inspection for our house. It went pretty smoothly. The guy basically just said to sweep, mop, make sure that all the light bulbs work, and that the house is completely empty. Easy peasy, right?

Then a few weeks after the pre inspections the movers came by to get our second shipment. Our second shipment consisted of clothes, towels, pots and pans, and everything else left in the house. That means that for two and a half weeks we were in the house with nothing to cook with except one cookie sheet, a can opener, and a microwave. It was pretty insane! The movers were the second shipment were nice and very fast. They came in, introduced themselves, and packed everything up VERY quickly. They were in and out in thirty minutes.

After we got everything we owned that we weren't packing in our luggage out of the house it was a mad rush to get the car shipped, clean the house out, and move into the hotel. In order to ship the car it had to be running in tip top shape and be insanely clean. Once we signed the house back over and got comfy in the hotel we had a few days to wrap everything up, get our bags packed, and ship a couple boxes to my mom full of stuff that the movers wouldn't take.

 Thankfully, we made it to the airport on time and we had a fantastic week in Kansas spending time with our family.

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Catoctin Iron Furnace

So this post is going to be short and sweet. Just something that I forgot to mention that we did last year, but I thought it was pretty cool...