Saturday, August 18, 2012

Swimming Pools

Swimming pools in Germany aren't very different from the ones in the US. They have water and people swimming in them. Let me first tell you that when I first told all my friends and family that I was moving over here many of them made comments about how all Germans swim naked. That's not true. Yes there are certain places where bathing suits are optional but you aren't going to see naked people at every pool you go to (I did however see a lot of men in speedos).
The pool we went to is located in the same town we're living in. It was really nice. It had a small separate pool for little kids and a bigger pool for everyone else (the water was freezing even though it was in the 90's). The bigger pool had a diving board and there was a concession stand where you could purchase food and drinks. On there other side of the pool there was a grassy area. It had a few smaller trampolines that were in the ground and a couple of sand volleyball courts.

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Catoctin Iron Furnace

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