Sunday, December 8, 2013

Grafenwoehr Christmas Market

This was probably one of the smallest Christmas markets. There was maybe 150 people there when we went and we were able to walk through the whole thing in an hour. We parked our car and walked a few blocks since it was so small and there isn't really any decent parking near the Grafenwoehr city center. 

Ben once again tried gluehwein and decided against it. I had delicious hot apple cinnamon cider that even had a chunk of apple in it. While there I bought an infinity scarf and tried schnitzel for the first time. 

Friday, August 9, 2013

Meet Henry

One of the guys that my husband works with PCS'd a couple months ago and when he left he very generously gave us an air conditioner for free. Now left me explain why we are so grateful for this gift. Most places here do not have air conditioning. None. Zero. Zilch. Usually it's not too terribly but this summer it has been unbearable for the past few days. So the lack of air conditioning, plus the hot weather, plus the fact that we live on the third floor (heat rises people), means that we are very proud to introduce Henry. 

Henry is unlike any air conditioner we've ever seen! He has a hose in the back that has to vent out the window and he drains water from a small spot on the bottom back. 

When we leave here if Henry is still working we plan on passing him along to another family. Air conditioners are pretty pricey and we are thankful to have received one for free. Therefore we feel that the right thing to do is to pass on Henry to another family.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

I'm a College Student Now

Last year when I got here it was literally just days after my high school graduation (which I didn't attend due to not being in the state). Once arriving in Germany I decided to take some time off in order to adjust to this new adventure that I'd jumped into with my husband. 
Now, a year after graduating, I have applied for and been accepted to a college. Starting in a few shorts weeks I'll be attending college completely online, which is really my only option here. I'm excited about doing college online because it'll give me flexible hours so that I can enjoy Germany while being a full time student.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Vilseck Fasching Parade

From what I've gathered fasching is king of like a carnival celebration. There are so many different costumes and it's so much fun to see what everyone comes up with. The people in the parade throw candy to those in the crowd. 
The one I went to in Vilseck lasted about 45 minutes to and hour. We showed up 30 minutes early and got a decent standing spot but somehow about halfway through the parade we had a bunch of people standing in front of us (and I swear I didn't move my feet). The whole street was closed of for the parade and there were countless people standing on both sides. Many of the people brought beer, dressed up, and sat on the side of the road and watched. 
Since it's only February it was still quite a bit chilly out (usually it snows till April/May). I couldn't believe some of the costumes. Those people had to be cold!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

.10 Signs That I Know We're Not In Kansas Anymore

Here are 10 signs that remind us every day that we definitely aren't in Kansas anymore.

1. Toilets. The toilets here don't have a tank and they have two buttons on the wall to flush; a big flush and a little flush. Pretty sure the purpose of that is self explanatory. Here's what our toilet looks like.

2. Light Switches. I actually like the switches here, they're kind of cool. They're huge squares and sometimes are in inconvenient places. Our bathroom switch is located outside the bathroom. That took some getting used to.

3. Outlets. Remember my frustration when I first got here and my on post motel didn't have a 110v outlet? Well luckily for us our home has both 110v and 220v, which has so far come in handy for the 220v appliances we've bought.

4. Heaters. Our heaters are on the walls and I was kind of skeptical of them at first because they don't blow out warm air like the central air and heating we had in  the U.S. So far though these heaters have worked amazingly. If we're not careful our house feels like a furnace.

5. Fast food chains. So far the only two fast food chains that we've been to here (that we've also been to in the U.S.) are KFC and McDonald's. One difference we've noticed between U.S. and German ones are that some of the items that are available in the U.S. aren't available here. One of the major things that we like about the McDonald's here is the McCafe and the fact that their vegetables are actually fresh!

6. Windows. Our windows here don't just slide up and down like the windows we are used too. Our windows have handles. A 90 degree turn of the handle tilts the window and a turn of 180 degrees opens the window up like a door.

7. Germany is very dog friendly! I had my first experience here of just how excepting Germans are of dogs. We went to a restaurant and laying right next to the table was a big yellow lab. He was so friendly and the waiters regularly brought him water and even a small meal!

8. Greetings. Where I'm from in Kansas I wave at people who drive by and say hi to people that I walk passed. It doesn't matter if I know who they are or not because chances are at least someone in my family does know them. Here is Germany you start waving or saying hi to random people you get looked at like do I know you? Haha.

9. Sundays. I don't know if this is a Germany wide thing or just in the area we live in but there are quiet hours. Meaning: Between 10pm and 6am daily and all day Sunday you have to be quiet. Did it rain all day Saturday so that you couldn't mow? Well you're out of luck, gotta wait till Monday.

10. Drinks. Oh there are sooooo many differences in drinks here. First off, don't expect to get ice in your drink... I have no idea why. Next, there are quite a few places we've been to that beer costs less than water. Yupp you read that right. Water does not come with your food. Lastly, be careful when you ask for water. You could possibly end up with carbonated water.

Catoctin Iron Furnace

So this post is going to be short and sweet. Just something that I forgot to mention that we did last year, but I thought it was pretty cool...