Saturday, May 6, 2017

Oh! The places we have been...

So it has been just over a year since my last post. WOW! At first I wasn't able to post anything because I got a new laptop and I couldn't remember my password or email or really anything that I needed in order to recover this account and continue on. When I did finally manage to get back in there was just so much going on that I didn't have time to sit down and catch y'all up on everything. But now that it's summer I'm on a break from school for the next few months and I'm ready to get to typing. A lot of major things have happened and we hopefully have some fun things coming our way for this summer!

Let me catch you up!

Last summer we visited the Alaska pipeline. There is actually a viewing point just a few miles out of town! Haha. It just interesting and definitely a lot bigger than we thought.

We also took a long walk at Creamer's Field and I can't wait to go again this summer.

Many trips were made to the Farmer's market. I have developed a new love for summertime because that seems to be the only time that we can find some good fruits & veggies.

At the end of the summer there was a big party and we got to see Thompson Square!

I also made a friend who unfortunately moved at the end of the summer. But we spent quite a bit of time playing Pokemon Go!

This last fall I received some life changing information from my doctor. More details to come in another blog post. But let me give you a hint... If you are on my Facebook you saw a preview of it.

The husband went away for work and was gone for a few months this last winter. In that time I learned that when he's gone things will undoubtedly break or go missing (in this case it was my car that didn't want to start), a house can stay surprisingly clean when there is only one person living in it, and that Alaska winters are not fun to deal with alone.

My favorite part of the winter though is seeing the Northern Lights. Because of the serious lack of sunlight that we receive in this part of Alaska in the winter we are able to see it almost every cloudless night in the winter. 

This winter I was also stuck in an wrist brace because of an injury that occurred last summer and I experienced a very cold, dark, and snowy winter. At one point we hit -50 and there was so much snow that I could stand in it waist deep. In all my snowy misery I made a another friend who suffered through the snow with me.

Now that "spring" is here and for the most part all the snow is gone. I am ready to open up all the windows, do some spring cleaning, and enjoy the warm weather! Hopefully this year our house can avoid the major allergies that we got hit with last spring.

Catoctin Iron Furnace

So this post is going to be short and sweet. Just something that I forgot to mention that we did last year, but I thought it was pretty cool...