Thursday, March 24, 2016

Our Alaska Home

I haven't shown many people pictures of our home here yet because when we first moved in I hated it. But slowly it has started to grow on me so now it's more of a love/hate relationship. I hate that it's the oldest housing there is here where we live, everyone else has brand new and theirs is so pretty. I also hate that our ancient washer and dryer are downstairs in the basement and that my kitchen is SO tiny! BUT I love that we have more space than others. Most housing here is connected to their neighbors on both sides, we only have one. We also have a driveway and a basement, again something that many don't have. One more awesome thing about our house, we have a decent size yard. It's these awesome things I love about my house that make the sucky parts not so sucky.
This is the street view of our new home, taken last summer before we bought our car. :) This beauty is a 2.5 bedroom 2 bathroom duplex. The house is divided in half right between the two bushes in the front.
Side yard!
Back yard!
Come on in and take a look around!
Inside the main front door (we have two front doors) is our massive living room. It's so big that we've made one side into a reading area.
Living room
Next to our living room is our tiny kitchen with our other front door. I'm determined to some day decorate the kitchen so that I don't hate it so much.
(tiny) Kitchen
The back corner of our kitchen, with the other front door.
Down the hall that is in the living room is where the 2.5 bedrooms are and the bathroom. We've converted the 2nd full bedroom into an office space and the half bedroom into a closet for all of my husband's work gear.
View of hallway from living room (don't mind the mess this was taken the day we moved out of the hotel)

Half bedroom. It's so small my husband can lay down and his feet touch one side and hands the other.
The second room AKA office
Our bedroom. It's the exact same size as the office.
Upstairs bathroom. It's a little on the small side but that doesn't bother me. It serves its purpose.
Last but not least... The basement!
The stairs to our basement are in the kitchen.
The bathroom in the basement.
I hope y'all enjoyed the tour of our home! :) Sorry it took us so long to get it up.

Catoctin Iron Furnace

So this post is going to be short and sweet. Just something that I forgot to mention that we did last year, but I thought it was pretty cool...