Sunday, June 28, 2015

Moving: Part One

Since receiving our moving papers our life has been totally hectic and all over the place. Every day there is something new that must be done and opportunities to relax are few and far between.

Once the papers were in hand we had to make a bunch of copies (because apparently everywhere we go multiple copies are needed). I think so far we've went through about 15 and we're still needing more. We got our flights booked with the travel office and came home to reserve Ditto's spot on our flights (we have to pay for that on our own so the travel people couldn't make the reservation for us).

Once our itinerary was delivered we had to go talk to the movers about setting up shipments so all of our stuff can be sent to our new home. We have three decent sized shipments that we are doing. The first shipment consisted of all of our furniture, books, decorations, electronics, and a whole bunch of other stuff. Within the next few weeks our second shipment will be done. We basically made that one clothes we aren't taking in our luggage, pots and pans, bedding, curtains, and other necessities we felt like we just can't live without. Our last shipment will be all the stuff we left with our families and were unable to bring with us to Germany.

Having movers come into our home, pack up all our stuff for us, and take it away is both a relief that we aren't the ones that have to do it and nerve wracking because we aren't doing it so we have to trust that they will pack our stuff properly, get it all to our next home, and in one piece.

Preparing for our movers took a lot of work. We took pictures of everything that we own and moved it into the living room so they wouldn't have to walk through our house searching for it. We sat the breakables and high valued items to the side so that they would know those things needed extra care.

Our movers arrived at our house at around 9am and were there until almost 2pm getting everything packed, inventoried, and loaded onto the truck. We provided them drinks (mountain dew, dr pepper, and water) because we live on the third floor and that's a lot of stairs to be going up and down for 5 hours. It didn't take them as long to pack up our stuff as it does for others because we didn't shipping a bed or dining set.
After the movers drove away another truck pulled up to deliver the furniture that we are borrowing until we leave. It's not the most fabulous furniture but it'll get the job done until we move out.
We're still struggling to grasp the concept that we have less than a month left here. It's been our home for the past three years. and even though we've complained quite a bit about it we're still going to miss it here. The days that we have left here are busy and filled with even more things to do. Some of the many things that are coming up for us are the inspection on our house, the shipping of our car, and our second housing shipment. Stay tuned to hear more about our big move!

Catoctin Iron Furnace

So this post is going to be short and sweet. Just something that I forgot to mention that we did last year, but I thought it was pretty cool...